Monday 23 May 2011

Top 5 Activities To Keep Your Kids Busy During Summer Vacations

Diary Writing 

One of the biggest complaints from teachers is that children tend to lose academic skills during the summer. A great tool to keep reading and writing skills in good shape during summer vacation is a diary. It's fun to put together and easy enough for any age child to enjoy doing. The base can be a regular school notebook or a scrapbook-photo album. Start each day with an entry of the plans for the day's events. When your adventurers return home, they can add pictures and notes on the best parts of the day. The pictures can be crayon drawings or prints from a digital camera or anything in between.

Pool Party Time

Swimming is a great summer activity for kids to stay busy during summer break. Children get exercise, have fun, stay cool, and really seem to enjoy swimming. Whether you have a backyard pool or use a local pool for cooling off, you can have an informal pool party for a few kids with little fuss.Sandwiches with a few bags of chips and thermos jugs with cool drinks provide quick party food and the pool provides the entertainment.


If you have a small garden or some space on a sunny window, you have the perfect setting for a kids garden. Take some watermelon seeds and watch them sprout and grow. Whether you get watermelons or not is irrelevant...the fun is in watching the vines spread out and grow. Older kids may want to grow vegetables, herbs or flowers in a real garden plot.

Visit to your grandparents

Most kids love visiting granny and grandad and this time, why not get your son or daughter to ask them what it was like when they were kids. What did they do to pass the time? What were their favourite toys? Did they watch TV? They'll be surprised by the answers.

Enroll them in a Summer Class

Do some research and find out the available classes and activities in your children’s school or in the neighborhood.  May it be art, cooking or music and dance, your children will have the opportunity to tap into what interests them and learn a thing or two.

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