Tuesday 24 May 2011

Indoor Games For Kids

Chinese Whispers : It is one of the most common games. In this game, the children have to sit in a circle. The first child has to whisper something (preferably a phrase) to the next child. The process will continue till the last child player listens to it and blurts it out. It's quite a fun game to play and helps improving the communication and auditory skills of the child.

Memory Game: Divide all the children into 2 groups. Ask one group to observe the objects around of a particular room and leave for a while till the other group make certain changes in the place and position of those objects. Then ask the first group to come in and find out all the possible changes that the second group had made. You can swap the groups after 2-3 rounds. This game becomes all the more interesting if there are lot of objects around. At last to make sure everything is in place, in the beginning itself ask all the children to make sure to rearrange the objects in the similar manner at the end of the game. This game helps to improve the memory skills of the children and slowly as the game progresses, they also learn how to make changes in a smarter way.

Blind Hunt : Clear a play area where kids can crawl around and feel with their hands without knocking fragile items over. Make sure any object that could injure a child is removed from the room. Blindfold the kids and spread things like beads,coins,small toys around the room. Instruct the kids to crawl around the floor and hunt for things spread. Give each child a small paper bag to place his collection in. Tell the kids they have to pick up as many things as they can within 10 minutes. The winner of the game is the child who has the most things collected at the end.

Read Books : If you provide kids with good books, they will enjoy reading them. Ensure that the books you provide them contain entertaining stories, fairy tales, fun characters and jokes. You can also provide them with their school books. Reading will improve their language skills and enhance their communication skills.

Hide & Seek :  Playing hide and seek with your kid is also fun and entertaining. Kids enjoy playing this game with their parents and other family members. As it is, there are various places to hide in a house, so it is more entertaining for kids.

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