Wednesday 25 May 2011

Tips to Keep Kids Healthy During Summers


One of the easiest and most beneficial ways that we can help our children make the transition into summertime is by making sure that their diet changes along with the change of seasons. Summer is a time to start minimizing meat, eggs, and large amounts of nuts, seeds, and grains (heavy foods when it’s hot out can make all of us sluggish) and incorporate more cooling foods. Cooling foods include salads, sprouts – especially  mung sprouts, cucumbers, fruits like watermelon,strawberries. Coconut water is a great, and sweet, way to stay hydrated and cool. Summer is also a good time to use cooking methods that retain water in the food – quick sautéing, steaming, using less salt and more water.


As the temperature continues to rise, dehydration is a common problem in summers. Even with kids playing indoors, it’s easy for them to not drink enough fluids. Water should be your kids’ foundation drink, but consider adding electrolytes to their drinks throughout the day.

A good way to keep your child hydrated, and getting electrolytes, is to add 10% fruit juice (such as organic apple juice) to their water. Another way is to always send them off with a bottle of some healthy liquid – and remind them to sip off of it whenever they run by to check in with you.


Enjoy the great outdoors. With extra daylight hours, we’ve got more time to enjoy activities in the early morning or evenings when the heat isn’t so sweltering.So,prepare a list of activities like playing football,running around the trees , hide and seek, etc.
Go for a walk as a family. Walking just 30 minutes a day can improve your and your family's health.


Throughout a typical summer day, kids can move from activity to activity in the blink of an eye. The more contact they have with different kids and different environments, the greater their chances are of picking up various germs that can cause colds, stomachaches, and even diarrhea. Explaining the importance of hand washing early in their summer vacation to kids can help avoid most summer illnesses. Simple soap and water for the duration of a minute will keep kids’ hands clean and free from disease.

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