Thursday 26 May 2011

Tips on How To Become Your Child's Friend

There are many ingredients mixed into parenting, and one is being your child/children friend.  When in trouble, a friend is probably the first person your child/children will look to for help.  Who do you want that person to be?  Do you want him or her to be someone who will give them the wrong advice that you know nothing about until  it is too late?  Or would rather your child have enough confidence in your relationship and comes to you without fear of rejection or worse?
Here are the tips which will help  you in becoming your child's friend

Communicate with your child: Listen to what your child says. Let the child feel comfortable to share information and feelings with parents. A parent has to be patient and non-judgmental in doing this. This will help the child to interact freely.

Ensure that the rules are fair: Make sure that you are not overly strict in framing the rules for your child. Let the rules be fair and logical. This will ensure that the child would not resent the undue strictness or disciplining.

Encourage independence in your child: Let your child explore, take decisions, and do things on his own. This will allow him to develop into a holistic personality, unafraid to try new challenge. As parents, you will not be around to fight all your child’s battles. Equip him with the wisdom and the opportunities to face tomorrow’s challenges adeptly.

Build the trust: Encourage your child to talk about his daily routine with you. Learn who your child’s friends are at school. What does he enjoy doing? What are his favorite hobbies, and try to involve yourself in his fun activities and games. This encourages bonding between the parent and the child.

Keep the child’s safety and security in mind: Always remember that as a parent, your prime responsibility is to ensure your child’s safety. Do not let your child indulge in any activities, which endanger his security, no matter how much your child forces you.

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